Anyways, before moving on to that, we also made a visit to the Salvation Army's Thrift Store at Queens St. Was a revelation to us guess we'll blog about that in another post but we also noticed that on sunnier days like we had on last Saturday, people then to have yard sale. We saw 3. And we also manage to buy some good bargain like our new table cloth (which we have no picture now as of the moment), coster for our mugs, and.... a cook book on cooking fish!
We bought it for only 1 Dollar!. How bout that.
But we also got ourselves a fresh juicy slice of salmon from Atlantic supermarket. So we chopped it into half and prepared 2 separate meals using it.
One for lunch...
And the other for dinner
The good thing is, FRESH Salmon is really good... Juicy and sweet...
Philips, you better guys eat well there and good food too...lucky you...